Wednesday 21 April 2010

Can you spell C*R*U*S*H?

I think every girl should always have a good old fashioned crush, and I seem to have one, bad at the moment.

My first ever crushes were both fictional geeks but my first real live crush was all consuming and maddening. I would literally shake whenever I saw him, struck dumb after most likely having walked into a wall.

It is at this time what some would call stalker tendencies (I would call it being a perfectionist, but I digress) first came to light. I would ask his best friend to spend hours telling me about him - where does he live? What does he do after school? EVERYTHING I COULD THINK OF, until in the end his best friend introduced us..and of course I was struck dumb and an absolute wreck.

To avoid this happening this time round I bought these pencils to use around my new crush so I don't have to actually say anything. Between the pencils and Google maps streetview I am sorted.

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