Saturday 27 March 2010

Late blooms

I spent some time on a very long bus journey reading an interview* with a Hollywood actress. And one tiny sentence really stood out for me, it was a response to the unspoken code of the whole interview i.e. "you are alone and 40, what did you do wrong?" she said "I guess I'm a late bloomer."

I've been thinking a lot about the idea of late bloomers, those who reach milestones, ways of thinking later than society dictates. For example, not having done certain things by the time they are thirty or eighteen.

I have friends who are obsessed with the fact they are turning thirty soon, literally feeling like there is nothing left! And I think it's such weird way to live your life.

We all need motivators and use our relationships to check where we are in life, but essentially as long as we are not wasteful with our lives, it's ok to take our time. I think we reach ways of thinking or milestone events when we are ready to, and not before. I know people from school who have been married, divorced and are onto their third child, while I can still only just about look after myself! I still paint my fingernails in rainbows, get too drunk too quickly, and stand too close to the speakers at gigs. And I don't think our lives are any more or less valid because of it. It took me long and hard walks along the desert to get to where I am now and I can't help but feel that's what it is about, long and varied journeys.

That and not letting our hearts die. Maybe it's watching The Breakfast Club a million times, but I thrive on adventure and discovery. We all still need new adventures, don't we? And everything should be an adventure, even getting older or being a late bloomer. Because we learn something and we're all lucky to be here, right?

*Believe me, I was reading trash!
I can't remember where photo is from, sorry
P.S It's safe to read this post as the rantings of a person driven crazy by the thought of getting older and being in a relationship with its ups and downs.

Sunday 7 March 2010


Aw man, now I'm out of skittles.


Just put a ton of skittles in my mouth...which made me think of this photo, which I took at Ten Years of ATP last year. Who the hell knows how this sweet machine of a mind works...

Friday 5 March 2010

Not lame - the things that rocked today

Sun. Finally came out to play. Bored of watching Friends repeats, huh? Nice of you to show up.

The dude sitting in his car nodding along to what I can only describe as Chinese/Brazilian muzak version of Billy Jean. With a huge smile on his face. Yep. Cos I love all kinds of crazy.

pic: a random photo I took of Bergen Street in Brooklyn, NYC. I am in London. But thinking about my stay on Bergen street makes me happy.