Saturday 20 February 2010

Bright Eyes

I came across this photo buried deep in the folders of my computer today. I think Shelley Duvall is one of the most beautiful women to have ever appeared on screen.

I think it's the jet black tomboy hair and wide wide eyes that seem express so much. I think mostly it's because she looks like the goofy treeclimbing, reading in the corner kinda kid I was.

She's amazing in The Shining.

Sunday 14 February 2010

Museum of Everything and everything looks pretty good

Sunday was the last day of the first exhibition at The Museum of Everything, the first museum of folk art in London. The exhibition has has amazing reviews, and I first wanted to go the minute it opened.

But true to form, I waited until the last day, which also happened to be Valentine's Day. Would've been a nice date too, but the boy had to work. Plus we're both sulking at not having much money to play with so promised to something next weekend and made pancakes in the morning instead and off I went to the exhibition.

All was good until I arrived to find a queue of one hundred, all cool with their boyfriends and girlfriends and all I could do was stand their waiting for my friends to arrive...

There were people kissing in the queue and, I SHIT YOU NOT, describing themselves as "ingenues".

Someone called his friend a feminist snob.

Be quick my friends.

Once inside, I fell in love with the museum. It was beautifully laid out, with handmade signs and typewritter font info signs, everything looked like it had been pulled from a junk store. There were enough little rooms and twisty wooden staircases to make me very happy indeed.

The highlights were seeing Henry Darger's The Vivian Girls scrolls in London. I had previously only seen some Darger at the American Folk Art Museum in New York. But it was Morton Bartlett's secret teenage sculptures and sister Gertrude Morgan intense "Bride of Christ" paintings and recordings that interested me the most.
Sister Gertrude Morgan's simple, single-minded dedication and obsession came through so wonderfully as a recording of her songs was played in the room. I made a mental note to find some of those recordings.

A guy who my friend called Lenny Hendrix set up to play a set in the main room. It was, I guess his own form of obsession - he was a one man band playing harmonica, a tiny drum set with his feet and guitar and singing. Ive now decided tiny drum sets are cool.

And so was a little bit of obsession on a rainy Valentine's day.

Teenage Angst

Yum, french toast, bacon, maple syrup and fresh coffee for breakfast.

Such a cool morning yesterday.

But I didnt post about it. Why? Because here I am again, fretting about this blog. I think it's not in my nature to "share" things about myself with the big bad world. But I'm all about people's lives making all the difference in unknown and magical ways, sharing is a good thing. At the same time, I wonder why on earth anyone would care to know any of this..."stuff", y'know?

Plus I swear, alot. And I make sarcastic and inappropiate comments all the time. I laugh at things that would otherwise make me cry. Or I cry for stupid reasons. Oh and I like mystery. Yep, that could make blogging hard.

So, I guess the main point is while I hope someone enjoys someday the things I write, I guess I do so mainly for me, so I hope it to be good enough to warrant my wish to look back on it and smile.

Thursday 4 February 2010

This dress took me by suprise, hit me from the left. But then I fell in love with it. And although I try to buy independent or vintage, it was hard to resist.

Makes me think of something the amazing Jenny would make. Can't wait for the shop update.

Wednesday 3 February 2010

I've got to see this doc...

Doesn't this sound amazing?

Rabbit a la Berlin is the story of rabbits who lived protected and happy between the Berlin walls for 28 years...and how they've learned to live in the free world.

It has received an Oscar nomination for Best Documentary Short this year.

Monday 1 February 2010


ohhhh shitballs..I've just discovered these dudes have their headquarters 5mins from my house.

That's my summer spent hanging around outside their door making puppydog eyes then.

Let's Be Friends, 2010

2009 started so well too....